Monday, November 26, 2012

Conversion to Crusade (Part 1)

Hey guys,

Just a little update on what I have been up to this week. Work has been absolutely manic for the past couple of weeks and as a result, I have had hardly any free time to devote to the hobby… I got a little spare time this weekend and thought I would start working on my Grey Knight Henchmen to combo with my Stormraven gunship (there is a Pictures in Progress article on BLOODYdice detailing the Stormraven's progress).

So, I ordered a box of GW’s ‘Warriors of Chaos’ for the Crusader conversions and ‘Dark Eldar Wyches’ for the Death Cult Assassins. They arrived earlier in the week, around Monday I think, so I started playing around with the Warriors as I only needed to make up four for the unit. The bodies are fairly free of Chaos symbols; however the shields were not and needed some serious work to get them cleaned down to a smooth layer. Even now, I think they could do with a bit more work – I have a plan to make them look awesome which I will be showing you in the next post or so :D

The bodies did require some gap filling and removal of mould lines although although taking photos always reveals bit you have missed D: After that, I had to root through my massive box of bits to try and find some heads and weapons for these guys. I managed to find some without power armour helmets or too much in the way of augmentation and dry ran them before deciding which to use.The next major issue was trying to decide how to represent the Power Axes these guys were supposed to be sporting. The weapons from the Warriors box were too medieval as they naturally come for the Fantasy Battle range. I decided to go with the common Grey Knight theme of halberds. I reduce the length of the handle so they would look less like pole arms and more long-handled blades. I am not entirely sure how successful this was but I thought the effect was nice!

The next moment I get some free time, I will be working on the shields and hopefully finishing off the final bits and pieces for the Stormraven. In the meanwhile, keep posted and enjoy the pictures. Also feel free to check out BLOODYdice for more table top hobby and interests.


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